06 December 2005

O Blogtain, My Blogtain

The title to this missive is a massive, unrecognizable butchering of the famous “O Captain, My Captain” poem by Walt Whitman (I think that’s who wrote it). The poem was about Abe Lincoln after his assassination. The parallel to my blog is not as deep as an assassinated leader, but more a quick tie-in to the fact that any and all updates have been missing for quite some time – much like Abe was missing after he was shot.

Unlike Abe Lincoln, my blog will spring back to life with this post. I guess the real romantic in me thinks that Mr. Whitman’s poem did the same for the greatest leader America has ever had, but not quite the same way this post revives my blog.

[An aside: It is cumbersome just how well the Internet keeps people honest. In normal conversation I would claim to know that “O Captain, My Captain” was indeed penned by Walt Whitman. But, I really am just guessing. Since people that read this blog have immediate access to the Internet, I have to assume the cynics that read it will double-check that fact. I know that none of said cynics will post “Adam you are a moron, it wasn’t Walt Whitman, it was Machiavelli that wrote that poem – and it’s not about Abe Lincoln, you fool, it’s about a bottle of rum” – because that’s the type of readership I solicit. End aside.]

So I am haberdashing around my point here. My point is that I have an excuse for the long delay between posts. And that excuse is my job.

My division in my company has been working on a project for about a year now & tomorrow, Wednesday, is the big show’n’tell demonstrating our nifty project. Problem is, at the last minute we changed systems the project was running on. And, of course, it stopped running. About 7 bug fixes later we are down to probably our last bug. Bugs 1, 2 and 3 took about a day to ferret out and fix each. Bugs 4 and 5 took about two to three days to hunt and fix. Bug 6 was what we thought was our last bug, took me and three other people Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and some of Monday to fix. Of course after that was fixed, bug seven popped up (about an hour ago). So my life recently has been a bug hunting hell on earth.

So in the next few days I plan on the following posts:
  • Adam scores his first goal in soccer
  • My opinions on the Michael Moore’s movie, Fahrenheit 9/11
  • My one-day obsession with Marilyn Manson’s so-so cover of a great Patti Smith song
Until then I leave you with some homespun poetry:

A Walk With the Wife

There is a clear noise from above
A beautiful, rattling singing
Small birds using their lungs
While flapping, rapping and winging

“What kind of bird is that, I hear?”
Move under tree to look, not stopping
“Shrills are wonderfully queer, my dear”
And then I swallow a dropping

Warmth on my chin. Streak down my shirt.
Tang touches the back of my tongue
Clasp my mouth shut so hard it hurts
Wretched song from a songbird was sung
Wretched dung from a dungbird was wrung
Retching bile from my stomach was flung
Terse verses of my poem are done

-Obiwanchunn Whitman

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